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All Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9 Units– Origins and Classes

What regions of Runeterra will you prefer to build?

As Teamfight Tactics (TFT) slides into Set 9: Runeterra Reforged, fans grow excited for the new themes, mechanics, classes, and synergies. With Runeterra Reforged all about portals and the homelands beyond, players will be diving headfirst into the roots of their favorite champions. So let's break down all the different units, origins, and classes.

TFT Set 9 Origins

When it comes to the champion units of TFT Set 9, they are all based on the various regions around the League of Legends lore world of Runeterra. Whether your favorite character is from Piltover or Noxus, they each have unique synergies related to their city/region of origin.

Related: Where are Champions from in League of Legends?


When Aatrox is on the board, he holds the Darkin Blade. Each time he dies, the Darkin Blade equips on the nearest ally champion. This grants them 400 bonus Health and 15% Omnivamp. Once the new weilder of the Darkin Blade dies– and they've managed to stay alive for five seconds with the blade in hand– Aatrox will revive upon their death.

  • Aatrox (5-cost)


During the planning phase, X amount of your strongest Demacians will turn into elites. This means they will equip a random Radiant Item until the end of combat. They also will give themselves and nearby allies Armor and Magic Resistance.  This resistances will only apply once; they do not stack.

3 Demacians: 1 Elite, 5 Armor, 5 Magic Resist
5 Demacians: 2 Elites, 20 Armor, 20 Magic Resist
7 Demacians: 3 Elites, 50 Armor, 50 Magic Resist
9 Demacians: 5 Elites, 100 Armor, 100 Magic Resist

TFT Set 9 Demacia units include:

  • Kayle (1-cost)
  • Poppy (1-cost)
  • Galio (2-cost)
  • Garen (3-cost)
  • Sona (3-cost)
  • Jarvan IV (4-cost)
  • Lux (4-cost)


Befitting their icy homeland, a Freljordian storm will strike the battlefield after 8 seconds of combat. Enemies take percentage health damage and get debuffed for 10 seconds. With X Freljordians, your storm will deal:

2 Frejlordians: 5% health, enemies are 40% Sundered and Shredded
3 Freljordians: 10% health, enemies are also 35% Mana Reaved
4 Freljordians: 15% health, enemies enemies are also stunned for 1.5 seconds

Freljord Storm Debuffs: Sunder (reduces Armor), Shred (reduces Magic Resist), and Mana Reave (increase their maximim mana needs until their next cast).

TFT Set 9 Freljord units include:

  • Ashe (2-cost)
  • Lissandra (3-cost)
  • Sejuani (4-cost)


Every 4 seconds, your strongest Ionians transform into an enlightened spirit form and gain 20 Mana. Each Ionian has a unique Ionian bonus tied to their ability, and that bonus doubles if in the enlightened spirit form.

3 Ionians: 100% Ionian bonus, 1 enlightened
6 Ionians: 200% Ionian bonus, 2 enlightened
9 Ionians: 300% Ionian bonus, 3 enlightened

TFT Set 9 Ionia units include:

  • Irelia (1-cost)
  • Jhin (1-cost)
  • Sett (2-cost)
  • Zed (2-cost)
  • Karma (3-cost)
  • Shen (4-cost)
  • Yasuo (4-cost)
  • Ahri  (5-cost)


Noxus champions are built to be buff. When you have multiple Noxus units on the board, they gain Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. This increases by 10% for each enemy unit that dies in combat.

3 Noxians: 160 Health, 16 Ability Power, 16% Attack Damage.
6 Noxians: 300 Health, 28 Ability Power, 28% Attack Damage.
9 Noxians: 500 Health, 45 Ability Power, 45% Attack Damage.

TFT Set 9 Noxus units include:

  • Cassiopeia (1-cost)
  • Samira (1-cost)
  • Kled (2-cost)
  • Swain (2-cost)
  • Darius (3-cost)
  • Katarina (3-cost)
  • Sion (5-cost)


When you have at least 3 Piltover units, you gain the T'Hex. Each time you lose a round, your T-Hex gains a Charge. Winning releases said Charges, and you get explosive loot as a result. You can also sell the T-Hex at any time, which transforms any held Charges into loot.

3 Piltover residents: Gain the T-Hex.
6 Piltover residents: Losing grants an additional Charge. Winning grants bonus loot.

TFT Set 9 Piltover units include:

  • Oriana
  • Vi
  • Ekko
  • Jayce
  • Heimerdinger

Related: What is the Stillwater Hold Portal in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9?

Shadow Isles

Akin to the Titan's Resolve item, once a Shadow Isle unit gives or receives damage 8 times, they gain a Shield for 12 seconds. They also become Spectral for the rest of combat. This means that they gain extra mana every second.

2 Shadow Isles: 40% Health Shield, 5 Mana
4 Shadows Isles: 80% Health Shield, 12 Mana
6 Shadows Isles: 125% Health Shield, 20 Mana

TFT Set 9 Shadow Isles units include:

  • Maokai
  • Viego
  • Kalista
  • Gwen
  • Senna


All about regeneration, Shurima units heal 5% max Health every 4 seconds. After 8 seconds, Shurima champions ascend and gain 30% max Health and 45% Attack Speed.

3 Shurimans: The strongest Shuriman ascends
5 Shurimans: All Shuriman ascend
7 Shurimans: All Shurimans ascend and do so at the beginning of combat
9 Shurimans: All previous bonuses as well as +125% Ascension bonus

TFT Set 9 Shurima units include:

  • Cassiopeia
  • Renekton
  • Taliyah
  • Akshan
  • Azir
  • Nasus
  • K'Sante


With Targon units on your board, you will get increased healing and shielding. These scale as follows:

2 Targon: 18% increased healing and shielding
3 Targon: 30% increased healing and shielding
4 Targon: 50% increased healing and shielding

TFT Set 9 Mount Targon units include:

  • Soraka
  • Taric
  • Aphelios


If you have Void units in play, they will create a Void egg. When your team loses 40% of its health, the egg hatches and knocks up all nearby units. The creature's power directly correlates to how many star levels your Void champions have and increases the creature's health and AP by 25%.

Depending on how many Void champions you have, you will get X creature:

3 Voidlings: Void Remora
6 Voidlings: Rift Herald
8 Voidlings: Baron Nashor

TFT Set 9 Void units include:

  • Cho'Gath
  • Malzahar
  • Kassadin
  • Rek'Sai
  • Vel'Koz
  • Kai'Sa
  • Bel'Veth


Ryze will be different every game you play. His spell s change depending on the Region Portal picked at the start of each game.

  • Ryze

Related: Teamfight Tactics (TFT) How do Portals and Legends Work in Runeterra Reforged?


Much like previous Yordle classes/origins, this one is all about Attack Speed. Allies will gain 10% Attack Speed per star level. Meanwhile, Yordles can become 4 star/platinum units. This will grant a unique spell upgrade.

3 Yordles: If you have three 3-star Champions, your strongest 3-star Yordle champion becomes 4-star
5 Yordles:  Two 3-star Yordle champions can now become 4-star

TFT Set 9 Bandle City units include:

  • Poppy
  • Tristana
  • Kled
  • Teemo
  • Heimerdinger


Zaun units are living experiments. These champions can create random chem-mods specific to their abilities and character. Be careful what you choose, though. Champions can only be modded once, and mods can only be removed by selling the champion.

2 Zaunites: Gain 1 chem-mod
4 Zaunites: Gain 2 chem-mods
6 Zaunites: Gain 3 chem-mods and Overcharge mods

TFT Set 9 Zaun units include:

  • Jinx
  • Warwick
  • Ekko
  • Urgot
  • Zeri

TFT Set 9 Classes

TFT classes are much more common and easy to understand than regional origin bonuses. They often reflect your champions' role on the battlefield, and you'll notice many familiar classes from previous Sets, like Bruiser and Invoker.


Bastion champions gain Armor and Magic Resist. This is increased by 100% for the first 10 seconds of combat.

2 Bastion:  20 Defenses
4 Bastion: 60 Defenses
6 Bastion: 120 Defenses
8 Bastion: 250 Defenses

TFT Set 9 Bastion units include:

  • Maokai
  • Poppy
  • Kassadin
  • Taric
  • Shen
  • K'Sante


All of your on-board units gain 100 Health. Bruiser ggain even more.
2 Bruisers: +10% Health
4 Bruisers: +35% Health
6 Bruisers: +70% Health

TFT Set 9 Bruiser units include:

  • Cho'Gath
  • Renekton
  • Vi
  • Rek'Sai
  • Sejuani
  • Sion


Challengers are gifted with bonus Attack Speed. When their target dies, Challengers dash to a new target. This also boosts their Attack Speed bonus by 50% for 2.5 seconds.

2 Challengers: 30% Attack Speed
4 Challengers: 60% Attack Speed
6 Challengers: 90% Attack Speed
8 Challengers: 125% Attack Speed

TFT Set 9 Challenger units include:

  • Irelia
  • Samira
  • Warwick
  • Kalista
  • Kai'Sa
  • Yasuo


Deadeye champions have a rare innate bonus, which means that even if youy only have one Deadeye champion, they get +1 Range on the battlefield.

As a group synergy, though, Deadeyes attack the enemy with the highest percent Health and deal bonus damage. This happens every 3 seconds.

2 Deadeye: +20% damage
4 Deadeye: +65% damage
6 Deadeye: +140% damage

TFT Set 9 Deadeye units include:

  • Jhin
  • Ashe
  • Akshan
  • Aphelios
  • Urgot


When Bel'Veth kills an enemy, they leave behind a consumable Void Coral. The first Coral Bel'Veth consumes increases her max Health by 50%. Every otherCoral afterward heals Bel'Veth for 20% max Health. Also, whenever aVoid Coral is consumed, Bel'Veth deals 10% max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

  • Bel'Veth

Related: Teamfight Tactics Final Patch Ahead of Runeterra Reforged Bids Farewell to Monsters Attack


When Gunner champions attack, they gain bonus Attack Damage. This can stack up to 8 times.

2 Gunners: 7% Attack Damage per attack
4 Gunners:  12% Attack Damage per attack
6 Gunners: 20% Attack Damage per attack

TFT Set 9 Gunner units include:

  • Tristana
  • Jinx
  • Jayce
  • Zeri
  • Senna


Allies restore X amount of Mana every 3 seconds.

2 Invokers: 5 Mana for all allies
4 Invokers: And 15 additional Mana for Invokers
6 Invokers: 20 Mana for all allies and 15 additional Mana for Invokers

TFT Set 9 Invoker units include:

  • Cassiopeia
  • Galio
  • Soraka
  • Karma
  • Lissandra
  • Shen
  • Ryze


Juggernaut champions take less damage as their Health decreases.

2 Juggernauts: 15% to 25% damage reduction
4 Juggernauts: 25% to 35% damage reduction
6 Juggernauts: 35% to 50% damage reduction

TFT Set 9 Juggernaut units include:

  • Sett
  • Warwick
  • Darius
  • Garen
  • Nasus
  • Aatrox


Multicasters cast their Ability multiple times. Bonus casts have a 60% reduced effectiveness.

2 Multicasters: 1 extra cast
4 Multicasters: 2 extra casts

TFT Set 9 Multicaster units include:

  • Taliyah
  • Teemo
  • Sona
  • Vel'Koz


Whenever an ally gains a Shield, Senna grants them 8% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

  • Senna


The Rogue trait buff is a mix of Edge of Night and bleed damage. The buffs work as follows:

2 Rogues: The first time a Rogue falls below 50% Health they briefly become untargetable and dash towards an enemy within 4 hexes, preferring backliners.
4 Rogues: Attacking an enemy for the first time causes that enemy to bleed, dealing 30% of their max Health as magic damage over 5 seconds.

TFT Set 9 Rogue units include:

  • Viego
  • Zed
  • Ekko
  • Katarina


Slayers gain 15% omnivamp. Slayers also deal bonus damage. This doubles against  units below 60% health.

2 Slayers: +5% bonus damage
3 Slayers: +10% bonus damage
4 Slayers:+20% bonus damage
5 Slayers: +30% bonus damage
6 Slayers: +40% bonus damage

TFT Set 9 Slayer units include:

  • Kayle
  • Kled
  • Zed
  • Gwen
  • Aatrox


When Sorcerers assist in killing an enemy, they trigger an arcane shock that deals X percent of the enemy's maximum Health to all other enemies. Sorcerers also gain X amount of bonus Ability Power.

2 Sorcerers: 25 Ability Power, shock 1 enemy for 10% Health
4 Sorcerers: 50 Ability Power, shock 1 enemy for 10% Health
6 Sorcerers: 80 Ability Power, shock 2 enemies for 12% Health
8 Sorcerers: 120 Ability Power, shock 2 enemies for 20% Health

TFT Set 9 Sorcerer units include:

  • Malzahar
  • Orianna
  • Swain
  • Taric
  • Vel'Koz
  • Lux
  • Ahri


At the start of combat, Allies in the front 2 rows gain a shield for 15 seconds. This is much like a free Locket of the Iron Solari. Meanwhile, allies in the back 2 rows also gain X Ability Power.

2 Strategists: 200 shield; 20 Ability Power
3 Strategists: 350 shield; 30 Ability Power
4 Strategists: 500 shield; 45 Ability Power
5 Strategists: 700 shield; 60 Ability Power

TFT Set 9 Strategist units include:

  • Swain
  • Teemo
  • Azir
  • Jarvan IV


When you field Heimerdinger, you gain a playable Apex Turret. Heimerdinger will offer upgrades to the Apex Turret in your shop for 6 gold. You may purchase up to 3 total upgrades.

  • Heimerdinger

Up Next: When is the Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9 Release Date?


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