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How to Carry as a Controller in Valorant

Looking for another role to master?

Controllers are without a doubt, the most important member of all team compositions. Yes, you can build any team comp either without a duelist, or a sentinel, but not without a controller. As a rule of thumb, there must be one; otherwise, your odds of success may suffer.

If you're seeking to enhance your skills as a controller, there are numerous aspects you should pay attention to and acquire knowledge about, including optimal smoke placements and timings. Understanding these essential elements of the role will greatly contribute to your effectiveness.

Learn more about the controllers in Valorant, including proper placements of smokes, timings and other tips that you can apply on your next games by reading this guide.

What is a Controller in Valorant

As the name of the role implies, controllers are responsible in controlling the map. Their proficiency lies in manipulating the flow of rounds since their abilities not only obscure vision but also restrict the opposing team's access to crucial information. By wielding their power to deny and deprive opponents of valuable intel, skilled controllers can dictate the course of gameplay and tip the scales in their team's favor.

Similar to other roles, choosing a duelist without actively entering the site, an initiator without utilizing their blind or recon dart, or sentinels without strategically placing traps can be detrimental to your chances of winning. In order to achieve victory, controllers must possess a deep understanding of their role, which primarily revolves around effectively deploying smoke screens to obscure specific areas throughout the entire map. Mastering this aspect is crucial for controllers as it enables them to fulfill their responsibilities and contribute significantly to the team's success.

Controllers are defined as “the experts in slicing up dangerous territory to set their team up for success.” In Valorant, controller agents are primarily equipped with abilities that specialize in denying vision and providing utilities that facilitate their team in seizing map control.

The focal point of their kit revolves around creating smokes or deploying other forms of vision-obstructing abilities. These tools allow controllers to limit the enemy team's sightlines and disrupt their information gathering. By exerting control over certain areas of the map, controllers enable their team to advance, secure objectives, and gain advantageous positions. It's through their vision-denying abilities that controllers truly live up to their name, making them vital assets in shaping the flow of the game.

Controllers and their abilities maintain significance throughout the entire round. For attackers, smokes play a crucial role during site execution, providing cover and facilitating a safe plant. On the other hand, defenders rely on smokes to defend sites effectively and to strategize efficient site retakes.

There are currently five controller agents that exist namely, Brimstone, Viper, Omen, Astra and Harbor. Each one of them has unique abilities that set them apart from each other, but one thing they have in common is their ability to deploy smokes. Smokes come in different forms and functions differently. While all of them essentially deny vision, you can expect different playstyles when using them.

Related: Every Wallbang Spot on Pearl in Valorant

Should I learn how to play as a controller

If you find delight in dazzling maneuvers and swift agility, you may choose to become a duelist main. Meanwhile, picking a sentinel can cater to your desire for sneakiness.

In Valorant, selecting an agent that aligns with your  playstyle enhances the enjoyment of the game beyond its intrinsic value. It not only amplifies the fun factor but also fosters a sense of confidence in executing your strategies. This is certainly true for most of the time.

But what happens if all of you inside the lobby are Jett instalockers, or those who know nothing about playing a controller agent? As we know, some players see the role as boring and complicated, resulting in fewer instances of encountering players who willingly choose to play as a controller.

This becomes a massive problem, and opting for a team comp without a smoker could possibly lead to massive disadvantage or loss eventually. This puts you at a risk of being exposed to more angle than there should be if you have smokes. So, to avoid this problem, knowing the basics of the role at least is one of the best things you can do. With this, not only will it help your team, but yourself as well.

How to become an effective controller in Valorant

Listed down below in this guide are everything you need to keep in mind when playing as a controller in Valorant.

Where to smoke

Having a keen understanding of the optimal locations to deploy smokes is among the vital responsibilities of a controller.

In general, you would want to smoke areas where your enemies may attack or push from like chokepoints.

As an example, if you’re trying to attack A site on Haven, you may smoke both heaven and CT. This way, you’ll only have to worry about taking down enemies that are actually inside the site, reducing the number of angles where your team can be shot from.

For defenders, most of the time, you’ll have to smoke at the entrance of the site. This will make it hard for them to enter the site without throwing utilities like a recon or flash.

A Haven Execute with Omen

However, take note that this can vary depending on the situation.

Another example, you can smoke this part of the map if you’re trying to take mid towards B or spawn. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight agents that could be peeking from both mid bottom and cubby.

Valorant Brimstone smoke mid cubby

Aside from those, there are other ways where you can use your smoke. When there are multiple enemies around, you can place a smoke to act as a cover, or to isolate 1v1s. You can use your smoke for your teammates who find themselves in an unfavorable and risky spot, or use it to conceal yourself while planting or defusing the spike.

There’s a lot of possibilities and ways on how to use smokes, allowing you to adapt and leverage them to your advantage in diverse situations.

This also goes to stay that playing as a controller requires an excellent map awareness.

Also related: How to Carry as a Sentinel in VALORANT

Knowing when to smoke

When picking a controller, timing is everything. All smokes in Valorant vary not only in shapes, but durations. Unfortunately, smokes only last for a few seconds so make sure to make the most out of it. Knowing when to smoke depends on the situation. Ideally, you wouldn’t want to place your smokes way too early or too late. That, or learn it the hard way.

Dropping your smokes all at once as soon as the barrier drops is fine, only if your team is going for a rush site execution. However, if your team decides to opt for a slow push, smoking early is not advisable.

For instance, if you deployed all of Brimstone’s smoke at the very start of the round, and your team decides to push only after 30 seconds, you wouldn’t have any other smoke left to use for the actual execution, leaving your team extremely vulnerable. Aside from it, late smokes can lead to a similar unfavorable outcome for your team.

So, when is the right time to smoke?

Communicate with your team, or at least try to figure out when your team is about to push.

Place your smoke before entering the site, so that your team won’t be exposed to multiple angles all at once, and allow your duelist to properly clear the site. At the same time, for the whole quick duration of the smoke, this will allow you to safely plant the spike and give you time to position and prepare yourself as the defenders try to retake the site.

Astra placing smokes valorant

For defending, smoke off entrances and chokepoints before they can enter the site. That way, you will be able to deny information and force them to use their utilities. This also goes to say that with the smoke blocking their vision, they will be oblivious of what’s on the other side. They wouldn’t know how many agents are guarding the site, or whether or not there’s a shotgun user waiting to prey on their victims just beside the smoke.

Phantom for Controllers

No, this isn't another Phantom vs Vandal discussion. After all, your weapon choice all boils down to preference. However, if you are playing as a controller, it might be worth considering the option of wielding a Phantom.

viper smoke breeze valorant

Phantom has no visible bullet tracers, so if you hear that there’s someone on the other side of your smoke, you can shoot through it and your opponents will remain unaware of where you’re shooting from.

Proper Smoke Placements

Smoke placement is rather crucial that it can instantly tell if you’re trying to win or throw games.

What adds to the complexity of the controller role is the multitude of factors to consider when deploying smokes. Beyond timing and selecting the appropriate locations to target with your smokes, the manner in which they are placed is also worth taking a look into.

Regardless whether you’re attacking or defending, your smoke should always be pushed towards them. This rule revolves around the spherical shape of most smokes in Valorant.

Correct (left) and wrong (right) way of placing smokes in Valorant
Correct (left) and wrong (right) way of placing smokes in Valorant 

When placing smokes, it is essential to ensure that the edge of the smoke aligns with the adjacent wall. This positioning will induce hesitation in your opponents to push forward, as they would be instantly exposed to all angles at once, making it seem like a death trap. On the other hand, placing the smoke towards you puts you at a massive disadvantage. In this case, opponents can simply isolate angles and push from either side of the smoke.

Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that your smoke effectively covers the intended area without leaving any gaps or cracks. Failing to do so can give your team a false sense of security, leading them to believe they are hidden when, in reality, they may still be visible to the enemy. Therefore, when deploying smokes, it is essential to place them with precision and care to minimize any unintended vulnerabilities.

Aggressive vs Passive Smoke

As mentioned, your smoke placements can vary and is highly dependent on your team’s decision. When defending, you can choose between an aggressive or a passive smoke.

Passive smoke is the most often used smoke as it allows you to play defensively inside the site that you’re holding. It is a low-risk approach, as it forces opponents to take the initiative and make a move by pushing through the smoke. By utilizing passive smokes, you can prioritize reacting to their actions and capitalize on their movements and mistakes.

Valorant brimstone fracture smoke

Aggressive smoke on the other hand, is placed if you want to play offensively and aggressively. This approach involves placing the smoke deep enough to secure additional space and exert control over the area. By doing so, opponents are compelled to first take control of the area you have recently occupied before they can proceed towards the site.

valorant brimstone fracture smoke

Do not die first

As a controller, one of the things you should avoid is to die first. It is not your job to enter the site first; the duelist role is there for a reason. In most cases, controllers play behind the team and trade when necessary. This is because your utilities will be beneficial for the rest of the round.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should only rely on your teammate to win the round. Be confident and make some flashy plays for yourself.

Communicate with your team

Regardless of your role, players should be able to communicate with their teammates. Remember, voice comms aren't made specifically so you can flame them. When in-game, you and your team can talk about areas requiring smoke.

Range restriction

All controller agents except for Astra have limitations when placing smokes. Agents like Brimstone and Omen have a restricted range within which they can deploy smokes. Meanwhile, Viper and Harbor must be in the right position to be able to land a perfect setup. As a controller, you must keep this in mind, especially when you choose to lurk.

valorant brimstone smoke

Also related: Best Lurking Agents in VALORANT

Learn lineups and One-ways

If you want to master the role, looking at some lineups can be a good thing. For instance, if you want to main Omen, you may try to search for one-way lineups that allow him to attach smokes on ledges and elevated areas. This can also be done using other agents. You may also check out this guide providing you ways on how to properly set up One-way smokes in Valorant.

omen one way smokes

However, for an agent like Viper, a complete setup will be difficult for some parts of the map. To be able to smoke some areas, she may need a bit of help from lineups.

That's everything you need to know in this guide on how to become an effective controller in Valorant. Surely, there is a lot to consider when playing as a smoker. From lineups, smoke placements, proper timings and more. While the role may initially appear daunting, with sufficient practice, you will be able to master it in no time. Hop into Unrated, Swiftplay, Spike Rush or Custom games, and practice placing smokes to make improvements.

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Up Next: Best Agents to Play on Split


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1 year ago

nice. can you do one for intiators aswell


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