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LoL Arena Patch 13.16 - Champion, Augment and Item Changes

A lot of changes are scheduled to come to the League of Legends Arena mode this LoL Patch 13.16.

As the final moments draw near for the Soul Fighter event, the same fate awaits the Arena. LoL Arena Patch 13.16 has been released and will serve as the final patch for this enjoyable and action-packed game mode.

Before the clock runs out, Riot is once more taking measures to ensure a harmonious battle among players, fine-tuning champions, augments, and items. In Patch 13.16, a total of 21 champion changes are on the horizon. This time around, 18 champions will receive buffs, intended to enhance their viability within the arena. On the other hand, only Fiora, Warwick, and Cassiopeia will undergo nerfs.

In addition to champions, adjustments are also being made to augments and items that are deemed either overpowered or underwhelming

Listed down below are every changes in the Arena for LoL Patch 13.16.

Arena Champion Buffs for LoL Patch 13.16


  • Passive Damage AD Scaling: +60% bonus AD ⇒ +70% bonus AD
  • Passive Damage AP Scaling: +55% bonus AD ⇒ +65% bonus AD
  • W Energy Restoration: 100 ⇒ 150
  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug that was causing Akali to not properly receive +100 energy from the global Arena buff


  • Q Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 25
  • Q Base Damage: 80/140/200/260/320 ⇒ 100/160/220/280/340
  • Q Slow: 60% ⇒ 70%
  • E Base Damage: 22/34/46/58/70 ⇒ 32/44/56/68/80
  • E Slow: 30/35/40/45/50 ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60
  • R Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 30
  • R Damage to Champions: 300/475/650 ⇒ 400/575/750
  • R Health per Stack: 80/120/160 ⇒ 100/150/200


  • P: AP Ratio: 50% >>> 75%
  • W: Base Shield: 45-105 >>> 60-160
  • R: Damage: 200-400 >>> 300-600


  • Passive Resonance Damage: 30-140 (based on level) (+90% AP) ⇒ 33-154 (based on level) (+90% AP)
  • Q First Hit Damage: 60/75/90/105/120 ⇒ 70/85/100/115/130
  • Q Second Hit Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
  • W Passive Damage: 3% (+3% per 100 AP) ⇒ 4% (+3% per 100 AP)


  • Q Base Damage: 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% AP) ⇒ 35/40/45/50/55 (+30% AP)
  • Q Bonus Magic Damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+25% AP) ⇒ 25/35/45/55/65 (+30%AP)
  • W Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 20
  • E Base Damage: 55/70/85/100/115 (+3% (+1.5% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) ⇒ 5% of maximum health
  • E Empowered Magic Damage: 75/100/125/150/175 (+4% (+2.5% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) ⇒ 7% of maximum health


  • Q Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% AD) (+15% AP) ⇒ 30/60/90/110/135 (+135% AD) (+17% AP)
  • E Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 15
  • E Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+50% bonus AD) (+75% AP) ⇒ 90/140/190/240/290 (+50% bonus AD) (+80% AP)
  • R Damage: 350/500/650 (+100% bonus AD) (+90% AP) ⇒ 390/540/690 (+100% bonus AD) (+95% AP)


  • Q Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 90% bonus AD) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/190 (90%Bonus AD)
  • W Healing: 25% (+2% of 100 bonus AD) of the damage dealt to enemies ⇒ 35% (+3% of 100 bonus AD) of the damage dealt to enemies
  • E Minimum Damage:30/45/60/75/90 (+50% bonus AD) ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110 (+60% bonus AD)
  • E Maximum Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+100% bonus AD) ⇒ 100/130/160/190/220 (+120% bonus AD)


  • Q Damage: 65/90/115/140/165 (+ 40% AP) ⇒ 75/100/125/150/175 (+ 40% AP)
  • (Note: total damage for consuming mark now 150/200/250/300/350 (+40% AP).)
  • W Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 15
  • W Damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+60% AP) ⇒ 75/115/155/195/235 (+70% AP)
  • R Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 15
  • R > Q Damage: 70/140/210 (+40% AP) ⇒ 90/160/230 (+50% AP)
  • R > E Damage: 70/140/210 (+40% AP) ⇒ 90/160/230 (+50% AP)

Lee Sin

  • Q Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 30
  • W Lifesteal & Spell Vamp: 5-27% ⇒ 15-35%
  • W Shield Value: 50-250 ⇒ 60-300
  • E Base Damage: 35-155 ⇒ 55-195
  • E Slow: 20-80% ⇒ 40-80%


  • Passive Movement Speed: Bonus movement speed doubled
  • Q Human Form Minimum Damage AP Ratio: 50% ⇒ 80%
  • Q Cougar Form AD Ratio: 75% total AD ⇒ 120% total AD
  • W Maximum Traps: 4/6/8/10 (based on level) ⇒ 100
  • E Human Form Base Heal: 35-95 ⇒ 60-180
  • E Human Form Bonus Attack Speed: 20-60% ⇒ 40-80%
  • E Cougar Form AD Ratio: 0% ⇒ 80%

Nunu and Willump

  • Q Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 30
  • Q Damage: 100/160/220/280/340 (+65% AP) (+5% bonus health) ⇒ 120/180/240/300/360(+70% AP) (+7% bonus health)
  • W Damage: 180/225/270/315/360 (+150% AP) ⇒ 215/260/305/350/395 (+150% AP)
  • R Damage: 625/950/1275 (+300% AP) ⇒ 655/980/1305 (+300% AP)
  • R Shield: 65/75/85 (+150% AP) (+30/40/50% bonus health) ⇒ 85/95/105 (+150% AP) (+40/50/60% bonus health)


  • Bonus Damage Against Vulnerable Targets: 10-95 (based on level) (+ 116%-150% (based on level) AD) bonus physical damage ⇒ 11.5-109.25 (based on level) (+ 118.4% - 157.5% (based on level) AD) physical damage
  • Q Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+ 80/90/100/110/120% AD) (+50% AP) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+90/100/110/120/130% AD) (+75% AP)
  • W Passive Attack Speed: 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% ⇒ 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
  • W Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 100
  • R AD Ratio: 70% ⇒ 100%


  • Passive Stun Hit Damage: 10% maximum health ⇒ 12% maximum health
  • CQ Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 20
  • E Cooldown per Champion: 8 ⇒ 5


  • Q Minimum Base Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 65/85/105/125/145
  • Q Maximum Base Damage: 90/155/220/285/350 ⇒ 130/195/260/325/390
  • CW Stacks per Champion Takedown: 15 ⇒ 45
  • E Armor Reduction: 20% ⇒ 40%
  • E Slow: 40/45/50/55/60% ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75%
  • R Minimum Damage: 150/300/450 ⇒ 200/350/500
  • R Maximum Damage: 400/800/1200 ⇒ 600/1000/1400


  • Passive Fury Generation: Increased by 50%
  • Q Base Heal: 30-70 (+30% AP) ⇒ 60-140 (+50% AP)
  • Q Heal per Fury: 0.5-2.3 (+1.2% AP) ⇒ 1-4 (+2% AP)
  • W Slow: 30-60% ⇒ 50-80%
  • W Ad Reduction: 20-80 ⇒ 30-120


  • Q Base Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 ⇒ 100/140/180/220/260
  • R Base Damage: 180/230/280 ⇒ 250/300/350

Arena Champion Nerfs for LoL Patch 13.16


  • Passive True Damage: 3% (+4% per 100 bonus AD) ⇒ 2% (+3% per 100 bonus AD)
  • W Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ -20


  • Q % Health Damage: 6-10% ⇒ 5-9%
  • Q AD Ratio: 1.2% ⇒ 1%
  • E Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ -20
  • R Base Damage: 175-525 ⇒ 100-300


  • Passive Bonus Movement Speed: Reduced by 30%
  • W Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ -30

Related: How to Defeat All Soul Fighter Champions in LoL Tournament of Souls Expert Mode

Arena Augment Buffs for LoL Patch 13.16

  • Stats Given: Increased by 15% ⇒ PIncreased by 20%

Blunt Force

  • Percent AD Given: 10% ⇒ 15%

Circle of Death

  • Healing Converted to Damage: 40% ⇒ 50%

Combo Master

  • Phase Rush Movement Speed: 15-40% ⇒ 20-60%
  • Electrocute Damage: 30-180 (+40% bonus AD) (+25% AP) ⇒ 50-250 (+45% bonus AD) (+30% AP)


  • AP Converted to Ability Haste: 20% ⇒ 25%

First Aid Kit

  • Heal and Shield Power: 20% ⇒ 25%

From Beginning to End

  • First Strike Damage Amplification: 11% ⇒ 15%
  • Dark Harvest Damage: 25-75 (+30% Bonus AD) (+20% AP) (+6 per Stack) ⇒ 50-100 (+35% Bonus AD) (+25% AP) (+10 per Stack)

Phenomenal Evil

  • Cooldown: 0.75 seconds shared between all abilities ⇒ 0.75 seconds per ability spell slot


  • Burn Percent Maximum Health Damage: 4% ⇒ 5%

Arena Augment Nerfs for LoL Patch 13.16

Ok Boomerang

  • Damage: 55-275 (+30% Bonus AD) (+20% AP) ⇒ 45-225 (+25% Bonus AD) (+17% AP)

Restless Restoration

  • Base Heal per 1000 Units Traveled: 50-150 ⇒ 30-150
  • Damage Redirected: 30% ⇒ 25%
  • Healing Copied: 40% ⇒ 45%

Tank it or Leave it

  • Critical Defend Damage Reduction: 40% ⇒ 30%

With Haste

  • Haste as Movement Speed: 200% ⇒ 150%

Arena Item Buffs for LoL Patch 13.16

Ardent Censer

  • Attack Speed Granted: 30% ⇒ 40%
  • On-Hit Damage: 20 ⇒ 25

Edge of Night

  • Health: 325 ⇒ 400


  • Root/Slow Duration: 1 second ⇒ 1.5 seconds


  • Cooldown: 45 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds
  • Attack Speed: 15% ⇒ 25%


  • Health: 200 ⇒ 300
  • Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

Imperial Mandate

  • Initial Proc Damage: 50-90 ⇒ 70-130
  • Ally Proc Damage: 100-160 ⇒ 120-200

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

  • Movement Speed: 30 ⇒ 45

Kraken Slayer

  • Attack Damage: 35 ⇒ 40

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Shield Strength: 400-1000 ⇒ 600-1200

Night Harvester

  • Cooldown: 30 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds

Arena Item Nerfs for LoL Patch 13.16


  • Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50
  • Proc Percent Maximum Health Damage: 8% ⇒ 7%

Radiant Virtue

  • Health Strength: 6% of maximum health ⇒ 4% of maximum health

That's everything you need to know about LoL Arena Patch 13.16. Be sure to enjoy and make the most out of the new game mode as it will soon leave the game before LoL Patch 13.17.

Up Next: LoL Patch 13.16 Notes - Naafiri and Duskblade Nerf, New Skins and More


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