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The Story of the King of Fortnite!

In this article, we delve into the history of one of the greatest legends of the global competitive Fortnite scene, k1ng!

K1ng is without a question one of the best Fortnite players of all time, showing not only incredible skill, but also an incredible strategic mind. Now, more than five years into his career, he seems to be doing better than ever. Today, we're going to dive into his story.

Born on April 22, 2006 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, k1ng, began his Fortnite journey at the age of 11, entering the game that would change his life without knowing it. When the World Cup was announced in April 2019, k1ng, who had just turned 13, entered the competitive scene. At the time, he was an unknown player, and no one could have predicted the remarkable journey that was about to unfold.

In the Brazilian region, where only seven solo and three duo slots were available for the World Cup, k1ng and Nicks emerged as the only duo to qualify in both game modes, a truly challenging feat. For k1ng, qualifying for the World Cup was more than just an opportunity to compete with the world's best players. Having never left the country, he suddenly found himself in New York, playing in one of the most important stadiums in the US. It was surreal.

On Sunday, June 28th, game after game, k1ng delivered stellar performances. A revelation of the tournament, he captured everyone's attention by finishing 5th, just 2 points out of the top 2. He stood as the best representative of a region that few had believed in.

In Argentina, k1ng became a star. From kids to grandparents, everyone was talking about the boy who won 5 million reais (over 900,000 usd) at the age of 13. Even the president of the country called him to say, "k1ng, what you did with Fortnite was amazing, very crazy." He was a real superstar in Argentina. But after that, k1ng's victories didn't stop. A few months after the World Cup, the FNCS format began with trios. He teamed up with x0wN and Toxic and secured 2nd place in the Grand Final. In 2019, he was without a doubt the star of the region. He started the year as a nobody and ended it as a role model for many, all at the age of 13.

However, after the FNCS, k1ng distanced himself a bit from the game. He no longer dominated the leaderboards; in the Squad FNCS, he placed 13th in the Grand Final, and top 5 in the next fncs in duo. But expectations were high, and fans were looking for more FNCS wins from k1ng.

What makes him one of the best? One day, Epic Games announced the Solo FNCS. After a long break, we were once again graced with a major solo tournament. For k1ng, the player who dominated World Cup Solos, this challenge was crucial in proving that he was still one of the best in the region. He made it to the Grand Final and emerged as one of the favorites to win it all. Throughout the tournament, he consistently held the top spot on the leaderboard, showing off his skills.

However, in the final game, a twist of fate unfolded. Facing early elimination, K1ng's fate hung in the balance. He needed his opponents, KingBR and Zenxit, to lose before the endgame, or he wouldn't be able to win. As the casters engaged in frantic calculations, KingBR and Zenxit were eliminated before the endgame. In a dramatic turn of events, k1ng secured 1st place, solidifying his status as the Argentine King and the undisputed champion of the region.

After this triumph, things started to get better for k1ng. The FNCS Trios returned, and k1ng made the crucial decision to team up with Rustyk and Seeyun, forming what would become the most influential trio in Brazilian Fortnite history. In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, k1ng took the bold step of relocating to Brazil to compete on 0 ping.

In each Cash Cup and FNCS week, the trio of k1ng, Rustyk, and Seeyun dominated the competition, winning and consistently placing high. During the first FNCS week, they achieved an unprecedented feat, setting a world record by winning 11 out of 12 matches. The madness didn't stop there, as in the second week of FNCS, they achieved another impressive feat, winning 8 out of 12 matches, barely missing their own world record. They were a force to be feared, destroying opponents left and right.

Everyone during this FNCS confidently predicted that they would easily secure a top spot. However, a small problem occurred in week 3 when they failed to qualify, allowing other teams to gain confidence. When the big finals day arrived, they were in 2nd place, behind Frosty, Redlee, and Kurtz, who managed to take the top spot.

During this time, k1ng also participated in FaZe5, a competition organized by the FaZe clan to recruit new members to the team. Introducing himself, k1ng said, "My name is Thiago Lapp, also known as k1ng. I participated in the Fortnite World Cup and secured a top 5 finish (CLIP)." The competition consisted of several phases, in which contestants had to create videos based on specific criteria and share them on social media. Not surprisingly, k1ng's video received the most views of any of the FaZe5 entries. Today, that video has an impressive 13 million views. Naturally, he won the competition and secured one of the five spots in the FaZe Clan, one of the most prestigious organizations in the world. By the time 2020 came to a close, k1ng stood as one of the most influential players, not only for his competitive achievements, but also for his impactful content creation. The kid really took off.

But, quite a cool story, k1ng is undeniably the best - now, enter the problems. In 2021, he had a mix of good and bad moments. He secured a win in an FNCS alongside Seeyun and Cadu, but the rest of his results were poor. Towards the end of 2021 and throughout 2022, k1ng distanced himself from the game; he wasn't grinding at all. No one saw him as the guy who was striving to be the best and win everything. In 2022, he won the NRG [Zone Wars] Championship with Phzin, but it was a creative tournament that didn't have much meaning.

At the beginning of the year, however, the announcement of the World Championship in Denmark served as one of the catalysts for prime k1ng's return. In Major 2, he teamed up with Fazer, who had left the game a year and a half earlier. Now Fazer found himself playing alongside k1ng, who was coming off his worst year in 2022. Against all odds, no one believed in them.

Gradually, they began winning tournaments, making waves in the competitive scene, and attracting attention. After a lot of hard work and dedication, they managed to win Major 2. They stood out as one of the few duos in the world, and I'm not even sure if there were others, who managed to win two FNCS championships in the same year. However, their performance at the World Cup (FNCS Global Championship) was below expectations. They didn't make it to the finals and didn't make it past the qualifying rounds, leaving everyone expecting more from the formidable duo.

Ahead of 2024, k1ng announced his move to Europe, specifically Germany, alongside Fazer. The two will compete in the most challenging region. Will k1ng be able to dominate Europe and maintain his status as the king of Fortnite? We will find out in the next few weeks!

If you're interested in the stats and leaderboard information for Fortnite, then check out our official tracker page for the game! We also have a Fortnite Tracker App that can monitor your in-game performance. Consider checking us out and let us know on Twitter at @FortniteTracker what you'd like to see next!


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