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League of Legends Dev Update - Bot Destruction, Mythic Updates, New Match Type, and Champions

A lot is on the way.

An update from the League of Legends development team reveals a ton of new content coming to the MOBA this year. It's so much information, there are multiple blogs and a video showcasing what players can expect over the next few months. From new champions, midseason updates, and a brand new game mode with a new map, here's everything new coming to LoL in 2023.

Midseason Item and Updates

A lot is happening during League of Legends' midseason. One major update is resetting player ranks. Come July, players will see their score reset completely. This was done so they can earn new rewards at an increased rate. The next shift involves Mythic items. The team is changing how they work for the midseason.

The main reason is due to a lack of satisfaction from the community. Which is a key focus of the dev update. The team at Riot Games, including Jeremy Lee and Andrei Van Roon, say they are paying attention to player needs and it's a major reason they're looking into updating Mythic items. According to a post from Riot, "Mythic items are meant to be high-power, high-satisfaction, capstone effects that define builds, rather than being a set of situational responses to the game you’re currently playing."

The next step is ensuring enchanter items are more fun and worthwhile to use for players. Plus, Lethality items are getting an update as well. These will look to resolve problems with health when using Prowler’s Claw and Duskblade of Draktharr. Prowler’s Claw is going to be retooled into a Legendary with a new effect, while Duskblade, and Youmuu’s Ghostblade will be given Mythic item status.

The final update focuses on changing aspects of champion Ivern. Players will also see buff sharing for the red and blue jungles.

Bad and Good Bots

Players will be glad to hear that Riot is removing unwanted bots. The team went through an extensive bot removal update that took out bots from queues and ranked matches. The team revealed they don't normally talk about bot bans as they want to prevent bot makers from doing anything while the bans are taking place.

On the flip side, enemy AI is being improved. This is all in an effort to help new players learn how to play the game and will give veteran players an improved way to practice. They'll also be able to order pizza delivery so you can continue gaming while a fresh slice is dropped at your door. That last bit may be made up.

The enhanced bot update will be included in the Public Beta Environment (PBE) later this year.

What Champions are Coming to the Game

Naafiri the monster assassin is coming to the game sometime this year. While the team didn't have a lot to say about her, we do know she is an assassin and will function a bit differently than previous assassins.

The next new champion after Naafiri is a Jungler named Briar. We know they're from Noxus and have a ravenous need to feed.

While those two are coming to the game, the other new champion, Skarner, is being delayed to early next year. So, we should see more of him in the coming months.

As for older champions. The team announced an art and overall visual update is being worked on for Jax. New teaser art was revealed showing him using a burning lamppost as a weapon.

What to Expect from the New Game Mode

A 2v2v2v2 game mode is launching with the summer event. This will pit four teams of two up against one another as they fight for victory. Alongside this new match type is an additional never before seen map that was built from the ground up.

Quality of Life Changes

The rest focuses on things that make the game better for everyone. Players will be getting an update emote wheel that raises the total amount of usable emotes to nine. They'll also be able to hear around 4,500 lines of updated or new dialogue. The voice lines were either broken or played over when new lines were added.

That's all of the major changes coming to League of Legends over the next year. You can stay up to date on all LoL news and leaderboards by checking out our official stat tracker.


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