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7 Best Agent Ability Combos That You Should Try in Valorant

Time for a satisfying Wombo Combo!

With the addition of Deadlock, Valorant's agent roster has now expanded to 23. Each agent comes equipped with a unique set of abilities at you can use at your disposal to carry the game in your favor. These abilities can be strong on their own but combining them with another to create the perfect ability combo in Valorant certainly makes them a lot stronger.

In Valorant, where precision meets chaos, there are agents and abilities that can work in tandem that allow you to seize a massive advantage and frags when used at the right time and when it’s properly executed. Other than blasting and clicking heads, the pursuit of a perfect and devastating synergy between allies can become a key to gaining an edge over your opponent.

Now, if you’re wondering which among these abilities can make a great combo in Valorant, then look no further. Keep on reading to know more about agent ability combos in Valorant that you should try to secure some round wins for your team.

Raze's Paint Shell/Showstopper + Fade's Seize

Well, the first one in our list are two Valorant agents that when combined can actually eliminate at least one, if not, all opponents in a single go.

Best Agent combos: Raze and Fade

The most common combo that Fade and Raze players like to pull off is combining Fade's Seize with Raze's Paint Shells or Showstopper. As we know, throwing Raze’s nade and ultimate doesn’t always end up with a kill, Roza! However, with Fade’s Seize, all enemies caught within the zone where it explodes will be stuck there for a while with no chance of escape. Hence, combining these two can be a great way to secure those kills. To top it off, Seize also puts a decay, so their HP will then be decreased temporarily before you can even land your abilities.

Aside from Raze, Fade’s Seize can also work with other AOE abilities such as Brimstone’s Orbital Strike and other molly.

Astra's Gravity Well + Killjoy's Nanoswarm

If you want to become as annoying as possible with your teammate or duo, picking Astra and Killjoy could be one of the things that you should include in your list. These two agents will surely bring a whole new level of frustration to your opponents.

Best Agent combos: Astra and Killjoy

Astra’s abilities are pretty strong especially when used with other abilities in the game like nades and mollies. This is exactly the reason why both of these agents can work hand in hand.

As an example, Killjoy as a defender can place her Alarmbot and Swarm Grenades along with Astra’s Gravity Well on a certain area. Once the Alarmbot detects an enemy, Astra can pull the enemies and Killjoy can pop her molly for an easy kill, or kills, perhaps. And if you want to go all in, you can place Alarmbot, molly and a turret on another side, and two stars for the stun and pull combo.

As attackers, Killjoy and Astra is just as deadly. In those nail-biting postplant situations, Killjoy and Astra can place Nanoswarm and Gravity well near the spike. That way, anyone who tries to defuse will have to deal with either one of these first before actually being able to defuse the spike.

It is also worth noting that Gravity Well also applies the Vulnerable status effect, which means that the opponent may receive twice the damage from her molly.

Brimstone's Orbital Strike + Breach's Rolling Thunder

Of course, this list isn't going to be complete without including this god-tier combo that has been used ever since before both in ranked games and professional scene.

Best Agent combos: Brimstone and Breach
Best Agent combos: Brimstone and Breach

This ability combo can be executed whenever you want, especially when dealing with enemies that are grouped together. You can cast them when they are about to enter the site, during retakes, postplant situations and more. What makes this combo deadly is that getting out of the range of Brimstone's Orbit Strike will be difficult or even nearly impossible especially when you're at the center because you're also concussed by Breach's Rolling Thunder. When concussed, your movement speed is decreased.

So, if you're able to execute them perfectly, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for a newly-found clip that you can show and post online.

Brimstone's Orbital Strike or Raze's Showstopper + Gekko's Thrash

We all know how annoying and sometimes overpowered Gekko’s ultimate can be especially in tight and confined areas.

Best Agent combos: Brimstone and Gekko

Gekko's Thrash is like Skye’s dog, but no it does not concuss you, IT DETAINS YOU. And the worst part of it, is that it can detain multiple opponents. So, if you’re with your team and you hear Gekko’s ultimate, you better destroy or run away from it or you may all end up getting caught. If that happens, you can only hope that Brimstone or Raze’s ultimate is not available.

Gekko’s Thrash can pinpoint your location and detain you so you won’t be able to move for quite some time. So, if you are that Gekko, with either a Raze or Brimstone on your team, both of you can simply strategize and look for the perfect timing to use those deadly ultimates on your helpless foes.

You can also combine this combo with either Astra’s Gravity Well or Fade’s Seize. That way, your opponents will have nowhere else to run.

Sage's Slow Orb or Deadlock's Gravnet + AOE Damage-inflicting Ability

Sage’s Slow Orb applies slow and Deadlock’s Gravnet not only forces them to crouch, but their movement is slowed as well.

Best Agent combos: Sage and Deadlock

Having that said, these two abilities work well with any damaging ability like Brimstone’s Orbital Strike and Incendiary, Viper’s Snakebite, Raze’s Showstopper and Paint Shells and more. With this, getting out of the molly or an area will take much more time, giving you a higher chance of killing the enemy.

Sova's Hunter's Fury + Yoru's Dimensional Drift

Yoru and Sova’s ultimate can also become a perfect combination and can even net you multiple kills.

Best Agent combos: Sova and Yoru

While Sova can help himself hit that ultimate through a recon dart and drone, Yoru can also provide aid by using Dimensional Drift to provide an accurate location of the enemies, making it easier to hit each blast of Sova's Hunter’s Fury. If the opportunity presents itself, Yoru can also eliminate the rest of the opponents.

Brimstone's Orbital Strike + Killjoy's Lockdown

Oh, another Brimstone?

Deploying Brimstone and Killjoy’s ultimates are known to be a great way to secure an area and some kills. You can use Killjoy’s ultimate on any site and use Brimstone’s ult on the part where they’ll be coming out of so they won’t be detained.

Best Agent combos: Brimstone and Killjoy

For instance, you can place your Killjoy's Lockdown in Garden when trying to retake A Site on Ascent. Once placed, one of the enemies' best option is to head towards A Wine, otherwise they'll be detained by your ultimate. Now, when the Lockdown is about to end, Brimstone can cast Orbital Strike on Wine. With this, they can either choose to die to Brimstone's ultimate or be detained. Either way, they'll be dead.

That's everything you need to know about the best ability agent combos in Valorant that you should use on your next games. With proper communication with your teammates, executing these combos is going to be a piece of cake.

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