Sage for Valorant


The bastion of China, Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and stave off forceful assaults, she provides a calm center to a hellish battlefield.

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Slow Orb Icon
QSlow Orb

EQUIP a slowing orb. FIRE to throw a slowing orb forward that detonates upon landing, creating a lingering field that Slows players caught inside of it.

Healing Orb Icon
EHealing Orb

EQUIP a healing orb. FIRE with your crosshairs over a damaged ally to activate a Heal-Over-Time on them. ALT FIRE while Sage is damaged to activate a self Heal-Over-Time.

Barrier Orb Icon
CBarrier Orb

EQUIP a barrier orb. FIRE places a wall that fortifies after a few seconds. ALT FIRE rotates the targeter.

Resurrection Icon

EQUIP a resurrection ability. FIRE with your crosshairs placed over a dead ally to begin resurrecting them. After a brief channel, the ally will be brought back to life with full health.

Sage Insights
Pick Rate5.8%
Win Rate 49.8%
Kill %5.0%
Death %5.6%
Assist %7.6%
K/D Ratio0.88
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